JSC "FanDOK" - one of the oldest companies in Bobruisk which has more than 85-year history.

Our company belongs to  concern "Bellesbumprom".

A company that fulfils the complete processing of timber from logging, lumber production , plywood, furniture panels, blockboard , wood products and to production of artistic furniture.

The raw material is produced on  our company  which is used for  production our products: round timber, timber, knife cut, rotary cut, plywood, curved laminated wood part, storage for furniture, blockboard, furniture board.

Today JSC "FanDOK" turns out wide range of products JSC "FanDOK" - export-oriented company, regularly supplying its products in more than 30 countries.

 Plywood and furniture are the main products which is exported by JSC “ FanDOK”. Furniture   from  soft-wooded broadleaved species are speeded up for export.  In the structure of exports furniture occupies more than 35% and plywood - 57%.

 JSC “FanDOK” has ISO 9001 :2000 certificate for plywood with outer layers of veneer hardwood and softwood and  has certificate for furniture. Production fits with the rules of the International Certification Network IQNet.

 JSC "FanDOK " - one of the few companies of woodworking of the Republic of Belarus, which  has  an ecology certificate in the frame of Third Party Septification  (TPS) in compliance  with  standards of California Air Resources Board (CARB) for plywood. 


Outer office of Director General
 Director General — Andrey Ivanovich Partyankov
213802, Bobruisk, Lenin street 95
Tel/Fax (+375) 225 74-50-00
e-mail: info@fandok.com

Sales office: sales@fandok.com
furniture: Tel./Fax (+375) 225 43 60 06  
timber’s production: (+375) 225 43 58 31
plywood Tel /Fax (+375) 225 43 58 31

Testing department

213802, Bobruisk, Lenin street 95
Tel/Fax (+375) 225 74-99-47
e-mail: info@fandok.com

Material & technical supply department

213802, Bobruisk, Lenin street 95
Tel./Fax (+375) 225 74-47-77
e-mail: info@fandok.com

Human Resources Department

213802, Bobruisk, Lenin street 95
Tel./Fax (+375) 225 43-59-00
e-mail: info@fandok.com


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